Monday, September 14, 2020

Soul Food - Cream-of-mushroom soup Rice

Rob made this the other day, utilizing can of mushroom soup from the pantry, making space for newer items. The idea was to make a chicken-rice-parmesan cheese casserole (in the oven) and it ended up being even more delicious one-pan-meal (on the stove-top). He usually wings his recipes, so I had to dig in to know how he cooked it, and document it in the blog so it serves the memory. 

Here it goes -


Cream of Mushroom Soup - 1 can (Campbell brand was used)

Rice (washed and drained) 1 cup 

Onions, Mushrooms, Garlic, Spinach - As per taste

Paprika, Pepper, Salt, Olive oil

Chicken thighs - 2 thighs cut into bite sized pieces


Heat Olive oil in the pan. Add garlic, onions, chicken thighs for a pan sear 2-3 minutes. Fold in the rice, spices and spinach. Add the can of mushroom soup and some water. Add in the salt and spinach.

Let the rice cook, keep stirring. Adjust with water if the liquid is not enough.

Once the rice cooks, the bottom layer forms a sear-crust. I love eating that part. If you don't like it, keep stirring so the rice doesn't stick to the pan. Once the grains of rice look cooked, turn the heat off. Cover and let it sit for few minutes.

You don't have to yell out to kids and rest of the family to come eat. The aroma of the rice has reached their rooms, and they will slither out of there, joining you at the dinner table for this soul-warming treat. Family will return for seconds and thirds. Thank you Rob!

He wanted to make a casserole, but controlling the flavors and varying cook times for chicken and rice talked him out of it. 

May be, you can finish it in the oven, by spreading some parmesan cheese over the rice and baking for a few minutes, until the cheese browns. We may also try it with the can of French onion soup we have in our pantry. Possibilities are endless, but creative juices rarely flow, when they do, I'll be sure to tap them. 

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